Ball Pit VR

Stochastic Musical System

The Ball Pit is a stochastic musical system designed for the HTC Vive as a musical interface at the scale of an environment. The user is situated in an enclosed space with tiled walls where they can move around physically in room scale. Using the controller the user can spawn, grab, strike and destroy balls in the virtual space. Once thrown into the room, the balls move and bounce of the tiles without being affected by gravity. When a wall tile is struck by a ball, it lights up in red and emits a sound reminiscent of the bouncing of a ping-pong ball. Each tile displays a different shade of green and is tuned to a unique pitch from the chromatic scale. While the pitch of the sound is based on the tuning of a tile, its octave is determined by the size of the ball (3 sizes, smaller balls produce higher-octave sounds).